August 28, 2017

The unsung heroes of cinema & TV part 22. Paula Malcolmson.

Paula Malcolmson

Here's an actress we've been seeing in films and TV for well over 20 years now. She's been in some of our very favourite shows. Lost, ER, Deadwood, Six Feet Under, Sons Of Anarchy. For some stupid silly reason I didn't know her name until recently when I decided to look her up on IMDB. And to my genuine surprise I found out she was from Belfast. I had no idea. Kudos on the accents Paula. Yet another talent from our little country. We really punch above our weight don't we. An actress who specialises in playing survivors, tough women who grown up hard and who aren't and won't let themselves be victims. 

She's been Wyatt Earp's sister in law. A mother to a modern day cinematic heroine. She sat through John Coffey's execution cursing his name. She was a bellhop to an orang-utan. She's spoken the words of The Bard and been in the last idea of Stanley Kubrick. She's been onboard the Starship Enterprise and dealt with Andy Sipowicz. She's been entertaining us for 25 years and I imagine we'll see her for 25 more.

Greatest Hits

Deadwood. Trixie. Took the cliched "whore with a heart of gold" role and turned it into something brilliant. A fearless performance. The hard heart of the show. Al Swearengen's real right hand. God she was great in this.

Ray Donovan. Abby Donovan. A woman as tough as her tough as nails husband. A baby of Boston who's massively out of place in Los Angeles. 

The Hunger Games 1-4. Mrs Everdeen. Mother of Katniss. Against the odds she raised a hero in a cold horrible world.

Previous parts

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